• Name: Thoko Moyo

  • Date of birth: 23/10/1966

  • Occupation: Literary arts head teacher

  • Marital status: Married

  • Personality/ Traits:
    The reputed "bore-fest" queen of the school. She's a real mature lady and likes to show that through her actions. She thus doesn't interact too great with the students and is always into straight, hard learning, leaving no room to relax at all. She never jokes around, and even when she DOES crack a joke or two...they're as funny as...I don't think the English language has the words to describe it...but they're bad, seriously.

    Like many people, she prefers to keep to herself and never looks to the outside for help, no matter how much of a cinch she's in. Admirable, but stupid. "Pride" and "stupid" DO make a perfect match. No nut's too hard to crack though. All it takes is time.

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